Posts By Carla Jacobs

How To Perform A Power Bag Squat

Stand holding the Power bag across your shoulders. Squat down, knees and ankles flexed until thighs are parallel with ground; keep back stiff as you look up towards what’s before you or ahead in this new adventure!

Jump as high and far as possible. Keep your knees inline with the toes, do not allow them to rise off of ground or bend at any time while jumping; explode straight up into an arch that stretches you from head-to line up all fours after jump for landing softly on both feet then extend one leg back towards yourself before bringing hands together in prayer position overhead ready for next repetition.

The sandbag power bag should be slung across your shoulders in a firemen’s carry. The key to this exercise is not just the weight, but also making sure that you do it correctly by keeping your feet shoulder width apart and bending at both knees so as not pass over (or go under) toe line when lowering yourself down towards ground.

Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart; hold power bag/sandbags upright about hip height if possible – overhead holds may cause back strain! Keep abs tight while slowly raising torso upwards until reaching erect vertical posture pose.

Keep your back straight, keep that chin high in the air as you lower yourself down into a squat. Drive up through all fours using those glutes to get back out again!

I can’t believe this is a workout for your legs! It’s so much more than just squats and lunges. This power generation system targets glutes, quads (including calves), hip flexors as well as the hamstrings with an emphasis on generating force rather than cardio exercise such has running or rowing which rely heavily upon motion instead of strength to generate energy in order to get up hills, this really is my best power bag exercise.

Power bag  Zercher squats are a great way to strengthen your quads and hip flexors, Power Bag Australia on Instagram have some great videos.

I love them because they target the muscle group that gets neglected when you don’t have weight overhead, like in front squatting! There’s also less risk for injury so Zerchers should always replace bad form with good posture!

Power bag Zercher squats are like a front squat, but with one difference. You need to push the weight load over your anterior chain so that you can target those glorious quads and hip flexors of yours!

And just as in case it helps any confusion: “Anterior Chain” is fancy talk for our glutes (and other muscles). So Zerchers really do work those muscle groups hard – both during execution AND when we stand back up again after taking an all new deep belly breathe!!

How To Perform The Kettlebell Jerk

I spoke about the importance of efficiency in kettlebell sport and explained how to achieve a more efficient rack position.

With kettlebells being such a staple of many fitness programs, it’s no wonder that the jerk is an important part. To quote from Smith: “Artistic perfection can be attained by one who has been trained in both body and mind.”

The same holds true for sport skills like this one! So let’s take some time today to discuss how you too could perfect your jerking ability when training with a Kettlebell.

The jerk is a test of strength, accuracy and speed. Contestants shoot at targets on ski slopes with rifles known as “biathletes.”

So what exactly do you need for this event? You’ll have to go all out in order not only hit your target but also hold it there while other competitors jiggle their way past or around yours!

The second lift in the Biathlon is like a snatch for males. They use two kettle bells, but these are usually heavier and not adjustable as much to fit different people’s strength levels because it can get quite technical when trying them out at first!


For female athletes, it is a choice of whether they will compete with two kettlebells or only one. The competition can be held by an organization and federation in various ways depending on what type of meet you’re talking about when things get technical!

According to Dangerously Fit, there are two types of jerks. One requires one kettl bell and one hand while the other requires two bells for each arm with both hands on top at all times; you’ll need an intense workout routine before trying this!

The jerk has been around for centuries and it still throws people off their game. Whether you’re a bobsledder or an athlete, there’s no way to avoid taking one in full speed!

The same technical considerations apply: wearing pads at all times; making sure your feet are properly secured on the runner blades so they don’t slip as well not letting go when necessary since holding onto anything while gliding down slopes can be dangerous – but if traction isn’t an issue then feel free to hold tight because this is going fast enough already.

The kettlebell overhead press is one of the first exercises that most people learn when they start lifting weights. This technique doesn’t work for everyone though because it relies too heavily on using your legs while neglecting to use them at all or improperly with arm and shoulder motion.

It’s amazing how many newbies will try this lift by just “muscling” their bells over head–using mostly abdominal muscles as opposed to putting any real strain onto shoulders, triceps etc.. I would recommend instead doing basic push ups (or even better-the pistol) until you can complete these without breaking out into hives!

This system might work for lighter kettlebells, but once you start pushing against heavier ones and trying to use this technique with a powerbag, movements like cleans or snatches it falls apart.

To stay competitive, it is important that the kettlebell sport athlete understands how to use their legs. The more power you can generate from them in a short amount of time will allow for faster speeds and greater efficiency with heavier weights.

This power must be combined with the skill of quickly relaxing your body, and then dropping to catch those kettle bells overhead.

Backing up just a little bit here – this is all about learning how balancing feels for both hand-to-hand movements or overhead activities; get into position by standing on one leg while holding onto something sturdy like wall hooks in an open gym space, before trying anything else! It may take time but if push comes to shove there will always be someone around willing enough help out when needed (no pun intended).

Once we’ve established our center I want you practice lifting weights slowly at first so that these muscles have had ample opportunity adjusting.

Train With A Steel Club for Fast Weight Loss

If you are looking to lose weight with steel club training, working out with a clubbell could make all the difference in losing belly fat. Shedding those excess pounds and finally seeing a new trim and slim ‘you’ could be well worth the expense. Body transformations are not easy to achieve, it requires both moral and physical support as also selection of the right type of steel club exercises. You may be interested in what it takes to enrol in a steel club certification.

Not easy going it alone
Often after exercising for several weeks and months you find you have not been able to shed any weight. A Personal Trainer will be able to check out the type of exercises you are doing as also check your eating habits in case you are not following a proper diet. If required, the Trainer will make changes in your clubbell exercise routine, besides helping you to stay motivated; also by having someone to be accountable to, your efforts to achieve fast weight loss will definitely bear fruit. Steel clubs are excellent for building strength, burning fat and toning up.


Use of proper guidance
A Personal Trainer will draw up a proper exercise schedule for you, one that will include the activities you need such as clubbell training, cardio, flexibility etc. A Trainer will also help you to set the right goals and draw up suitable schedules. It takes time to select the right weights, reps and exercises, so having the services of a personal trainer will definitely help.

Looking for Fast Weight Loss? Hire a Personal Trainer!

Your personal trainer will also provide you with a special eat 1 meal a day nutrition plan.

Why You Should Stretch Before Your Sunshine Coast Boot Camp

Working out requires your body to be flexible so that you can reach, bend and twist per the requirements of each exercise. When you stretch your joints open up and give you a full motion range. If you are new to working out, you may not know how to go about a stretching warm-up. Awkward stretching could lead to straining of your joints, so you should take guidance from a Sunshine Coast boot camp fitness personal trainer.

How stretching affects the body
As mentioned above when you do regular stretching your body will increase in flexibility. The muscles become more flexible and your nervous system gets trained to bear up with further stretching.  If you indulge in stretching say for a month or so and then stop, the flexibility you achieve will disappear. Stretching helps the body to develop greater tolerance by creating changes in the unit level of muscle-tendon resulting in increased motion range.
Flexibility demands

How much flexibility you require will depend on the type of activity you have in mind. Example, if you run or jog you would not need the same range of flexibility as a ballet dancer or gymnast would. When you exercise your tendons and muscles tend to store and let out energy in a kind of spring action. If you emit surplus flexibility it could reduce the natural spring of the muscle. This would not be helpful for certain activities such as jumping, running, net games etc which require sudden changes of direction. On the flip side a Sunshine Coast personal trainer will advise you that lesser flexibility can cause straining of the muscles as the muscles will be unable to stretch and absorb such energy.

Stretching examples
PNF or facilitation of proprioceptive neuromuscular stretching: The methods for this type of stretching can vary. In general, PNF involves holding on to a stretch with simultaneous contracting and then relaxing of the muscle.
▪ Static stretching: This type of stretch involves moving the muscle to a point where mild discomfort is experienced and holding the position for around 30 seconds.
▪ Bouncing stretches: These stretches are good for increasing the range of body motion. It involves bouncing and jerking movements while stretching.
▪ Dynamic stretching: This stretching involves movements that are gentle and repetitive. Swinging of the arms is a good example. You would need to slowly increase the motion but yet remain within the stipulated range.

Battle Ropes

Injury risk
Though stretching is advocated before doing any serious workout, it will not protect you from injuries. It could help to some extent in reducing the chances of muscle tears, ligament tears, sprains and strains. Most fitness courses will have insurance if you do happen to injure yourself.

Warming up
Stretching as also some light aerobic movements, are required as a warm up before starting a workout.  This will help to increase the range of motion and prepare the body for more intense movements. The blood flow increases to the muscles and the heart rate goes up. When the muscles are warmed up they are able to produce more energy resulting in quicker reaction time. If you enjoy doing stretching you should include it in your regular routine. However as mentioned above it would be wise to take the advice of a Sunshine Coast personal training instructor so that you undertake the right type of stretching before you start your workout.